Co-creators Lead Team

Dr Christa Sathish

Dr Christa Sathish

Lecturer Management and Marketing @ The University of Westminster

I am a Researcher and Lecturer in Management & Marketing at the University of Westminster. I started my career in Switzerland in 2001 as a Scientist specialised in Pharmaceutical Research & Development and then moved to the UK to study Business and Management during my undergraduate and postgraduate education, followed by a move into Media Studies. I am an all-around, transdisciplinary researcher and enjoy working with mixed-method research designs and digital methods.

For enquiries please contact: [email protected]

Fakhria Joya

Fakhria Joya

Finance & Accounting Student @The University of Westminster

Giulia Scarpelli

Giulia Scarpelli

Finance & Accounting Student @The University of Westminster

Andreas Karelias

Andreas Karelias

Finance & Accounting Student @The University of Westminster

Alexander Georgy

Alexander Georgy

Finance & Accounting Student @The University of Westminster

Ghazi Al-Nassar

Ghazi Al-Nassar

Finance & Accounting Student @The University of Westminster